The village and surrounding area
Something for everyone
The village of Orford and the surrounding area have something to offer to everyone – walkers, sailors, cyclists, bird lovers, music and art lovers, those interested in history and food, or simply wanting to relax.
Orford attracts visitors who appreciate the tranquil peace of this quintessentially English village and enjoy its unrivalled landscape for walking, boating and bird watching.
Please use the website to understand why this small area of Suffolk offers so much for those who live or visit here and how you can help to minimise the effects of tourism on the village by understanding its sensitivity to the impact of increasing numbers of visitors.
The various small businesses that operate in and around Orford depend to a large extent on the custom of visitors and would appreciate it if visitors would shop locally instead of arriving laden down with groceries and other essential supplies from anonymous supermarkets outside the area.
Order ahead services are available.